The Top Dark Web Trends in 2022 [VIDEO]

With 2022 coming to a close, Webz Insider is returning with a special end-of-year edition with our cyber team to discuss the top dark web trends in 2022.
December 7, 2022

In this episode, we speak to our cyber analysts to get key insights from their latest investigation into the top dark web trends in 2022. We talk about ransomware trends, the evolution of data leaks on the dark web, and top illicit content from alternative social media.

The main topics we discuss include:

● The biggest ransomware trend in 2022 and the ones to expect in 2023
● The top industries affected by data leaks in 2022
● How have data leak posts changed in 2022?
● The top types of illicit content on alternative social media in 2022
● What can we learn from radical Islamic groups about the future of alt. social media?

These are only some key takeaways from the latest articles we published, for full insights visit our Dark Web Pulse page.

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