Detect Leaked Data With a Powerful API

Detect every compromised and leaked data with big data breach feeds.

Trusted By
Stay Ahead With

Data Breach Detection API


Access compromised data from millions of sites, forums, markets and other sites in the deep and dark web


Monitor leaked data from across the web, including email, domain, credit card, BIN, phone number, SSN and more


Easily track breached information with standardized and structure breach data feeds

Track Leaked Data With

Big Web Data


Unrivaled coverage

Automate your data breach detection with big feeds of the latest leaks, going 5 years back


Single Endpoint

Access a big pool of leaked records from different dark web networks, sites, and applications with a single API query


Continuous Monitoring

Get every compromised record, all the time

Bigger Threat Insights with

Data Breach API

Identity Theft Protection

Brand Protection

Upgrade your risk detection with the market’s leading breach data coverage, including automatic discovery of new leaks and breaches

Financial Analysis

VIP Protection

Get the latest breached data feed, including leaked credentials like email and usernames, to protect company executives, board members, investors, and others

Media Monitoring

Fraud Detection

Create an automatic alert system for stolen credit cards and breached PII to protect businesses against fraud


Compromised Credential Monitoring

Detect leaked credentials like usernames, email addresses, and passwords on dark web forums, hacker sites, datastores, and other underground sites


Regulation and Compliance Monitoring

Boost compliance by tracking leaked and stolen credentials on the deep and dark web

Big Leaked Data Feeds for

Better Breach Detection

Stay ahead of threats with structured compromised information including domain name, PII, date, and leaked data

uuid: “4cf1dee756027361087b9ff1fb250e2f4c187a53” ,

author: [


] ,

author_extended: [


display_name: “Foxprox” ,

user_id: “236677” ,

user_link: “”

} ,

] ,

language: “russian” ,

site: {

name: “XSS” ,

is_live: true ,

domain: “” ,

type: “discussions” ,

country: “RU”


Get the full context to discover the original source of the leak including file hosting links

uuid: “8f324448660dbe2a12e12042f3129eaac7fd2ad0” ,

external_links: [

“” ,

“http://asim5qa2epcoftyg.onion” ,

“” ,

“” ,


] ,

external_images: [


url: “” ,

meta_info: “/imageFilter?token=a948bd43-9517-413c-a844-bc50be66d494&format=json&q=uuid:151210890091777400541684210162620275161” ,

uuid: “151210890091777400541684210162620275161” ,

label: [

“Phone” ,

“Electronics” ,

“Cell Phone” ,

“Mobile Phone” ,


] ,

text: “Password: *********”

} ,


Search for specific compromised entities such as emails, domains, credit card details, SSN, phone numbers, passport details, and account names

uuid: “0e537a1202234554f9cd0a48df735bd0f9d1d4b5” ,

categories: [

“financial” ,


] ,

emails: {

value: [

“Gemini******” ,

“aheath****” ,


] ,

count: 3

} ,

phones: {

value: [

“+1769802****” ,


] ,

count: 2

} ,

credit_cards: {

value: [

“4724090243******” ,

“4506445713******” ,


] ,

count: 3

} ,

ssns: {

value: [


] ,

count: 1

} ,

wallet_ids: NULL ,

ips: {

value: [

“70.49.**.***” ,

“184.151.***.***” ,


] ,

count: 3



In Action

image 161
Our Big Secret is Out
Have a
Our Data Breach Detection endpoint includes emails, credit cards, BIN numbers (6 or 8 digits), SSN, domains, phone numbers, account names, and passports
Yes. Use the “&since HTTP GET” parameter and set it to the desired Unix timestamp (epoch time) in milliseconds. The retrieved data will then match the time frame you set in the query – from the defined “since GET” parameter, the time you set, until now

We collect leaked data from hundreds of thousands of forums, paste sites, chat application groups and marketplaces from across the deep and dark web. Alongside using our advanced automated system that constantly discovers new entities, our expert cyber analysts run their own search to add other relevant databases and ensure the quality of our data feeds

Our breached data feeds keep you ahead of the next breach. The leaked data we discover on the dark web can put your company’s reputation, assets, like servers and systems, and top executives and employees at risk. The breached data we cover expose many companies to loss of business-critical information, the risk of heavy fines and mistrust from customers
We cover databases that are connected to domains, which means they belong to companies. To ensure the quality of our feeds and keep them spam-free, we usually do not cover combo lists or word lists which are used to dump large volumes of leaked data of individuals from various sources, usually used for sending targeted spam
No, we provide an API which helps you constantly monitor new information by pulling new data in according to a timeframe you can define and control. This can help you create an alert using your system
We cover breached data that go up to five years back. To keep you ahead of the game, our data feeds are being updated a few times a day, every day
We collect the leaks, which are published online in CSV, SQL, TXT and other formats, and standardize them, providing you with a clean JSON feed, ready for your machine
Of course. Just let us know and we’ll disable logging for your subscription
Big Web Data For Informed Decisions

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