Powerful Threat Detection with Dark Web API

Big Dark Web Data
Access millions of sites, forums, marketplaces, and other sites in the deep and dark web
Monitor encrypted and password-protected illicit content, indexed by entities, keywords, sites, and more
Easily track dark web threats with standardized and structured data feeds
Big Darknet Data
Dynamic Profiling
Enriched data feed with quick profiling of threat agents, groups, and relevant platforms
Unrivaled Coverage
Largest repositories of dark and deep web sources with millions of sites, forums, marketplaces, and messaging platforms crawled daily in multiple languages
Constant Monitoring
Critical structured data that enables monitoring solutions to identify, classify, and take quick action
Deep and Dark Web Data
Digital Risk Protection
Gain contextualized real-time insight to protect organizations from cyber risks, including cyber attacks, ransomware, and phishing
Fraud Detection
Create an automatic alert system for leaked credit card numbers, PII, and monitor blockchain addresses involved in Illegal cryptocurrency transactions
Brand Protection
Mitigate risk factors such as counterfeiting attempts, unlicensed use, and leaked information to protect your brand and avoid crises
Web Intelligence
Monitor darknet marketplaces, forums, and networks for illicit drug and weapon trafficking, and hacking activities, and track hidden communications between terrorists and other bad actors
Cryptocurrency Investigations
Search cryptocurrency addresses and transactions to “follow the money” and trace cryptocurrency footprints as part of anti-money laundering, compliance, and due diligence investigations
Dark Web Monitoring
Track threats, threat actors, groups, and malicious trends on the deep and dark web
VIP Protection
Investigate cyber threats against company executives, board members, investors, and key personnel
Threat Intelligence
Monitor cyber threats on forums, marketplaces, and other hidden spaces on the dark web
Big Dark Web Data
cyberDocs: [
url: “https://bitbin.it/JIbUubiV/” ,
uuid: “2ab0386122c244d6a2e429f538e67c0a96f320f2” ,
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title: “Ryuk 2.0 Ransomware” ,
text: “Ryuk 2.0 Ransomware (ransomware) This crypto ransomware encrypts business user and enterprise data with AES + RSA and then demands a 15-50 BTC ransom to get the files back. Original title: Ryuk . The file says: horrible. Development environment: Visual Studio 2015 or newer. Some researchers believe that the well-known Lazarus Group is behind the development and implementation. According to other sources, the group calls itself the Wizard Spider. In the West, they believe that this is a Russian group, but it is unsubstantiated. As they say: There are three types of lies: lies, blatant lies and statistics. Price: 1200$ Connection: str******@ro.ru Telegram: HAUNTED_01 https://satoshi-box.com/pay/CCfMlo” ,
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url: “https://bitbin.it/JIbUubiV/” ,
uuid: “2ab0386122c244d6a2e429f538e67c0a96f320f2” ,
title: “Ryuk 2.0 Ransomware” ,
full_title: “Ryuk 2.0 Ransomware – BitBin” ,
published: “2021-06-13T14:31:00.000+03:00” ,
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Dark Web Intelligence
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