Online reviews Public Datasets

Download datasets from’s online reviews to assist your research project, startup or large organization in gathering insights from positive and negative reviews from a range of topics, including: companies, hotels, movies, and more.

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Found:6 Datasets

Negative company reviews

Negative company reviews - Reviews about companies with rating score lower than or equal to 2 stars

Online reviews
19.8  MB
Dec, 2016 -
Mar, 2017

Positive company reviews

Positive company reviews - Reviews about companies with rating score greater than or equal to 4 stars

Online reviews
212  MB
Dec, 2016 -
Mar, 2017

Negative hotel reviews

Negative hotel reviews - Reviews about hotels with rating score lower than or equal to 2 stars

Online reviews
0.75  MB
Dec, 2016 -
Mar, 2017

Positive hotel reviews

Positive hotel reviews - Reviews about hotels with rating score greater than or equal to 4 stars

Online reviews
10  MB
Dec, 2016 -
Mar, 2017

Negative movie reviews

Negative movie reviews - Movie reviews with rating score lower than or equal to 2 stars

Online reviews
4.8  MB
Dec, 2016 -
Mar, 2017

Positive movie reviews

Positive movie reviews - Movie reviews with rating score greater than or equal to 4 stars

Online reviews
11.6  MB
Dec, 2016 -
Mar, 2017
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