Powerful Threat Detection with Dark Web API

Plug into the world’s biggest dark web feeds to gain insights into emerging cyber threats.

Going where the Threats are



Big Darknet Data

Dynamic Profiling

Enriched data feed with quick profiling of threat agents, groups, and relevant platforms

Unrivaled Coverage

Largest repositories of dark and deep web sources with millions of sites, forums, marketplaces, and messaging platforms crawled daily in multiple languages

Constant Monitoring

Critical structured data that enables monitoring solutions to identify, classify, and take quick action

Safety in Numbers

0 M

Monthly Dark Web Posts

0 M

Monthly Closed Forums Posts

0 M

Monthly Extremist Social Media Posts

0 M

Monthly Hacking Posts

Track Cyber Threats with

Big Dark Web Data


Access millions of sites, forums, marketplaces, and other sites in the deep and dark web


Monitor encrypted and password-protected illicit content, indexed by entities, keywords, sites, and more


Easily track dark web threats with standardized and structured data feeds

Proactive Threat Monitoring With

Deep and Dark Web Data

Digital Risk Protection

Digital Risk Protection

Gain contextualized real-time insight to protect organizations from cyber risks, including cyber attacks, ransomware, and phishing

Fraud Detection

Fraud Detection

Create an automatic alert system for leaked credit card numbers, PII, and monitor blockchain addresses involved in Illegal cryptocurrency transactions

Brand Protection

Brand Protection

Mitigate risk factors such as counterfeiting attempts, unlicensed use, and leaked information to protect your brand and avoid crises

Web Intelligence

Web Intelligence

Monitor darknet marketplaces, forums, and networks for illicit drug and weapon trafficking, and hacking activities, and track hidden communications between terrorists and other bad actors

Cryptocurrency Investigations

Cryptocurrency Investigations

Search cryptocurrency addresses and transactions to “follow the money” and trace cryptocurrency footprints as part of anti-money laundering, compliance, and due diligence investigations

Dark Web Monitoring

Dark Web Monitoring

Track threats, threat actors, groups, and malicious trends on the deep and dark web

VIP Protection

VIP Protection

Investigate cyber threats against company executives, board members, investors, and key personnel

Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence

Gather early indications of cyber threats on forums, marketplaces, and other hidden spaces on the dark web.

Digital Risk Protection

Digital Risk Protection

Digital Risk Protection

Gain contextualized real-time insight to protect organizations from cyber risks, including cyber attacks, ransomware, and phishing

Fraud Detection

Fraud Detection

Fraud Detection

Create an automatic alert system for leaked credit card numbers, PII, and monitor blockchain addresses involved in Illegal cryptocurrency transactions

Brand Protection

Brand Protection

Brand Protection

Mitigate risk factors such as counterfeiting attempts, unlicensed use, and leaked information to protect your brand and avoid crises

Web Intelligence

Web Intelligence

Web Intelligence

Monitor darknet marketplaces, forums, and networks for illicit drug and weapon trafficking, and hacking activities, and track hidden communications between terrorists and other bad actors

Cryptocurrency Investigations

Cryptocurrency Investigations

Cryptocurrency Investigations

Search cryptocurrency addresses and transactions to “follow the money” and trace cryptocurrency footprints as part of anti-money laundering, compliance, and due diligence investigations

Dark Web Monitoring

Dark Web Monitoring

Dark Web Monitoring

Track threats, threat actors, groups, and malicious trends on the deep and dark web

VIP Protection

VIP Protection

VIP Protection

Investigate cyber threats against company executives, board members, investors, and key personnel

Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence

Gather early indications of cyber threats on forums, marketplaces, and other hidden spaces on the dark web.

Powerful Detection with

Big Dark Web Data

Power your dark web monitoring applications with structured dark web data feeds in JSON format

See below filtered results in JSON format from the following query:

ransomware AND (encrypt OR decrypt OR lock)

cyberDocs: [


url: “https://bitbin.it/JIbUubiV/” ,

uuid: “2ab0386122c244d6a2e429f538e67c0a96f320f2” ,

parent_uuid: “2ab0386122c244d6a2e429f538e67c0a96f320f2” ,

title: “Ryuk 2.0 Ransomware” ,

text: “Ryuk 2.0 Ransomware (ransomware) This crypto ransomware encrypts business user and enterprise data with AES + RSA and then demands a 15-50 BTC ransom to get the files back. Original title: Ryuk . The file says: horrible. Development environment: Visual Studio 2015 or newer. Some researchers believe that the well-known Lazarus Group is behind the development and implementation. According to other sources, the group calls itself the Wizard Spider. In the West, they believe that this is a Russian group, but it is unsubstantiated. As they say: There are three types of lies: lies, blatant lies and statistics. Price: 1200$ Connection: str******@ro.ru Telegram: HAUNTED_01 https://satoshi-box.com/pay/CCfMlo” ,

highlightText: “” ,

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] ,

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published: “2021-06-13T14:31:00.000+03:00” ,

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thread: {

url: “https://bitbin.it/JIbUubiV/” ,

uuid: “2ab0386122c244d6a2e429f538e67c0a96f320f2” ,

title: “Ryuk 2.0 Ransomware” ,

full_title: “Ryuk 2.0 Ransomware – BitBin” ,

published: “2021-06-13T14:31:00.000+03:00” ,

site_section: “https://bitbin.it/” ,

section_title: “BitBin” ,

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crawled: “2021-06-13T15:41:08.550+03:00” ,

updated: “2021-06-13T15:41:08.550+03:00” ,

cache_link: “/dark-cache?token=a948bd43-9517-413c-a844-bc50be66d494&id=A5R8Llu2PYWDuBEkurW3clPFkDDUuz3nCUKyVB0d1-fr8W7Ys1noVPh_lfTIUvoj”

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requestsLeft: 49301 ,

warnings: NULL


Automate Your

Dark Web Intelligence

With Webz.io’s Dark Web API filters


Get the full context with publication time, author, User ID, and site info


Never miss key data by viewing all files, images, and videos


Enrich your data feed with categories and entities, including IPs, domains, keywords, crypto addresses, email addresses, credit cards and more

uuid: “4cf1dee756027361087b9ff1fb250e2f4c187a53” ,

author: [


] ,

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display_name: “Foxprox” ,

user_id: “236677” ,

user_link: “https://xss.is/members/236677/”

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language: “russian” ,

site: {

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“http://asim5qa2epcoftyg.onion” ,

“https://feeds2.feedburner.com/ef7gqhk4wdnyuqrc.onion” ,

“https://twitter.com/ef7gqhk4wdnyuqrc.onion” ,


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url: “http://documents.trendmicro.com/images/TEx/articles/password-hack.jpg” ,

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] ,

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Get the full context with publication time, author, User ID, and site info

uuid: “4cf1dee756027361087b9ff1fb250e2f4c187a53” ,

author: [


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Never miss key data by viewing all files, images, and videos

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“https://www.instagram.com/ef7gqhk4wdnyuqrc.onion/” ,

“http://asim5qa2epcoftyg.onion” ,

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“https://twitter.com/ef7gqhk4wdnyuqrc.onion” ,


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url: “http://documents.trendmicro.com/images/TEx/articles/password-hack.jpg” ,

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“Phone” ,

“Electronics” ,

“Cell Phone” ,

“Mobile Phone” ,


] ,

text: “Password: *********”

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Enrich your data feed with categories and entities, including IPs, domains, keywords, crypto addresses, email addresses, credit cards and more

uuid: “0e537a1202234554f9cd0a48df735bd0f9d1d4b5” ,

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“financial” ,


] ,

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“Gemini******@shaw.ca” ,

“aheath****@gmail.com” ,


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“+1769802****” ,


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wallet_ids: NULL ,

ips: {

value: [

“70.49.**.***” ,

“184.151.***.***” ,


] ,

count: 3


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What can I find on the dark web? arrow icon

The dark web, sometimes referred to as the darknet, is often used for illegal activities carried out by individuals operating in anonymity. These activities include the sale of stolen private data and hacking tools, including trading of vulnerabilities and exploits, announcements of new breaches, publications of hacking groups, such as DarkSide group, discussions of cyber tactics and techniques and more. Other illegal activities include exchange of drugs and weapons, the distribution of child pornography, and other criminal activities

Can I find relevant data for brand protection on the dark web? arrow icon

Yes. A key part of brand protection is the detection phase. By monitoring marketplaces, chat applications, and hacker forums on the dark web, you can find a variety of information that infringes on your brand’s intellectual property. For example, on marketplaces, you will be able to find leaked data of companies, their executives and employees, and counterfeit goods. On chat applications, you will also see leaked information such as account details, credit cards details of customers and employees

What kind of threats are relevant for digital risk protection? arrow icon

Companies that look to protect their business are increasingly aware of the need to take a proactive approach and invest in upgrading their capabilities to detect and respond to external threats in the digital space. The threats that can be found on marketplaces and forums on the dark web include early indicators of future attacks, such as the sale of attack vectors like compromised credentials, vulnerabilities, cookies and others. You can also find discussions between hackers, hacking recruitments, ransomware developments and ready-made phishing pages. These activities expose organizations to various risks, including threats to physical assets, and digital assets, including domains, IPs, certificates and more

Do you cover Telegram? arrow icon

Yes, we cover Telegram. We use automatic search engines to monitor millions of channels, groups, messages and even special events every day to track new illicit content. The content we regularly find include hacking, drugs and financial fraud

How to discover new sources on the dark web? arrow icon

Finding new sources is part of what we do at Webz.io. We developed powerful automated search engines, which use machine learning technology to adapt to each site we crawl, automatically classify the content, and transform it into a feed of illicit content only. In addition, our cyber analysts also continuously assess and add new sources to our data feeds and make sure we’re not missing anything. We can easily add new sources to our feeds so we encourage our customers to contact us if they spot a source they find

Is it safe to use a Dark Web API? arrow icon

Yes. You don’t have to take a risk and access the dark web, Webz.io does it for you. The data feeds you receive are not connected to the collection process. When you put a query in, you will receive text and links, all safe for use

What is dark web monitoring? arrow icon

Dark web monitoring is an important tool in cybersecurity. It is used to monitor the parts of the internet that are indexed, making them inaccessible on popular search engines or web browsers. Using dark web monitoring, individuals and organizations are able to keep their information safe and receive real time alerts in case of a breach which puts them, their assets, or their network in danger. Early detection plays a key role in preventing and mitigating cyber attacks, ransomware, and even identity theft. Webz.io’s Dark Web Monitoring API crawls the depths of the dark web to collect and deliver customized and contextualized alerts in real-time

How can I use dark web monitoring for my business? arrow icon

The dark web is often used to conduct illegal digital activity, including the sale of private data such as credit card numbers and social security numbers (SSN), hacking discussions on real-time breaches of business domains, technical discussion on exploits, phishing and more. We also find conventional crimes on the dark web such as child pornography and human trafficking. Dark web monitoring can help you protect your information online, and prevent cybersecurity threats by monitoring and alerting you to breaches in real-time. Webz.io’s Dark Web Data API alerts you each time a keyword you choose to monitor appears. These keywords can include your brand name, your website, your email address, or even entities such as a wallet ID or cryptocurrency
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Speak with a data expert to learn more about Webz.io’s solutions
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Create your API account and get instant access to millions of web sources