All About Business Email Compromise (BEC) in the Dark Web

All About Business Email Compromise (BEC) in the Dark Web

In 2021, Business Email Compromise (BEC) produced a loss of $2.7B, ranked above ransomware attacks and cryptocurrency theft. Here’s all you need to know about BEC scams.

Supply Chain Risk: Lessons To Learn from Hubspot’s Breach

Supply Chain Risk: Lessons To Learn from Hubspot’s Breach

Dozens of Hubspot customers were compromised. But this attack shouldn’t have been a surprise. Read to learn why.

The Emerging Threats to Healthcare Providers in the Dark Web

The Emerging Threats to Healthcare Providers in the Dark Web

The number of patients whose records were compromised after a cyber attack tripled in 3 years, according to a recent FBI report. How can monitoring the dark web help protect healthcare providers from cybersecurity threats?

Into the Dark Web: Behind Toyota’s Supply Chain Disruption

Into the Dark Web: Behind Toyota’s Supply Chain Disruption

Toyota’s list of suppliers include Tesla Motors, Panasonic and Mitsubishi. Here’s what we found about them on the dark web.

2022: Phishing Threats on the Dark Web

2022: Phishing Threats on the Dark Web

With 60% of companies going out of business within 6 months after suffering a cyberattack, phishing is a threat you need to know.

Exclusive: The Top 10 Companies Facing Risks on the Dark Web

Exclusive: The Top 10 Companies Facing Risks on the Dark Web

Google and YouTube are only two of the companies on the list. Read who ranked among the top 10 companies at risk on the dark web.

Revealed: The Warning Signs Ahead of Mass Breach of E-Commerce Sites

Revealed: The Warning Signs Ahead of Mass Breach of E-Commerce Sites

After 500 E-Commerce sites were breached through a third party platform, we reveal the early signs that should’ve been spotted.

Exclusive: The Posts Moncler Missed Before Latest Data Breach

Exclusive: The Posts Moncler Missed Before Latest Data Breach

Moncler’s stolen data is currently sold on the dark web. That could have changed if they had read the posts we found before the attack.

Financial Fraud: What Financial Crimes Do People Commit on the Dark Web? [Examples]

Financial Fraud: What Financial Crimes Do People Commit on the Dark Web? [Examples]

The dark web is a hotbed for financial crime. Here is all you need to know to stay ahead.

Revealed: Compromised AWS Accounts Ahead of FlexBooker Leak

Revealed: Compromised AWS Accounts Ahead of FlexBooker Leak

After Flexbooker’s AWS servers were recently compromised, we took a closer look at leaked AWS accounts on the dark web. Here’s what we found.