How to Automate Supply Chain Risk Reports: A Guide for Developers
Do you use Python? If so, this guide will help you automate supply chain risk reports using AI Chat GPT and our News API.
It’s no secret that companies struggle to stay on top of frequently changing regulatory requirements. There’s an abundance of sources in various languages, formats, and structures to consider. However, companies that fail to comply can face heavy fines and penalties.
Take the case of Santander in December last year, for example. The UK online bank was fined £108 Mil for AML failings. This was the highest fine imposed in 2022. On average, a single non-compliance event costs a company $5.87 Million in revenue.
That’s a considerable sum and that’s why they come to you, the RegTech, RiskTech, and consultants for help. They expect you to efficiently track and analyze KYC and AML data, GDPR and API compliance, and more.
Considering what’s at stake, the responsibility for monitoring compliance risk is a heavy burden on your shoulder. You need to know which regulations, policies, and laws apply to every area of your client’s business – finance, privacy, production, logistics, and more. It’s a large-scale task that involves staying on top of frequent updates and changes in different geographical areas and jurisdictions at all times.
In addition, trustworthy information is hard to obtain. Regulatory data, official records, and data required for AML/KYC/B screening are stacked away on sub-pages of unwieldy government sites, often as attached files.
The relevant sources include:
You can’t just use a regular scraping tool to find reliable data. To receive a feed of officially binding information, you need to limit the crawl to trusted sites. Gov Data API crawls the relevant sources globally. It maps, collects, and structures information in a machine-readable way. This means your system can easily digest the mass data and provide actionable insights to your customers.
Using a single API, you receive a customizable feed of the most recent data to help you monitor regulatory change and provide actionable insights. Quickly find AML data, KYC data, and recent policy updates, or legal revisions. You get all that mass data, structured and ready to be filtered according to your query.
For example, a client in the US is interested in expanding business to the nordic countries and considers using Danske Bank’s services for local activities. To help them assess the bank’s credibility, you would run a query on the Gov Data API and extract a feed of valuable data from trusted sources.
You can see the first result in the feed exposes a recent case of fraud by the bank. The feed provides the exact date, the source document, for which use cases the information is relevant, and more. Each following record in the feed contains the same level of data granularity.
What you receive in the feed is determined by your query and the additional filters you apply. These enable you to focus on and extract results according to category or attribute. You can choose data that goes any time back. For use cases you want to monitor over time, you can repeat the query regularly and automatically get the feed delivered. Gov Data API offers a number of powerful features and filters. Here’s a glimpse at the most important ones and how to use them.
Using Gov Data API features, you receive a level of data granularity that lets you carry out precise monitoring and audits. The ability to focus on defined data points lets you cut regulatory tracking time and, in turn, costs. Help your clients stay out of non-compliance trouble, build their trust in you and reinforce your reputation.
Talk to one of our data experts to learn how Gov Data API can help you improve your regulatory tracking workflow to better serve your clients.
Do you use Python? If so, this guide will help you automate supply chain risk reports using AI Chat GPT and our News API.
Use this guide to learn how to easily automate supply chain risk reports with Chat GPT and news data.
A quick guide for developers to automate mergers and acquisitions reports with Python and AI. Learn to fetch data, analyze content, and generate reports automatically.