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  "author": "Puck Daddy",
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  "text": "Buffalo Sabres general manager Tim Murray didn’t have the most productive trade deadline. He failed to move UFA defensemen Dmitry Kulikov and Cody Franson . In the former’s case, his health was a stumbling block; in the latter’s case, it was a matter of not getting fair value. Then there was Evander Kane , the perplexing forward who has eight goals in his last 10 games and 22 goals on the season in 51 games. He has another year on his contract at $5.25 million. [Follow Puck Daddy on social media: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Tumblr ] The assumption was that Kane could move at the deadline. But he didn’t, despite Murray receiving offers. And now the general manager is figuring out if he kicked a trade down the road on Kane, or if he wants to extend him. From the Buffalo News: Murray declined offers for streaking scorer Evander Kane – “I didn’t like what I heard,” he said – but that doesn’t mean the GM is ready to embrace a long-term future with the left winger. Murray is not convinced Kane’s off-ice problems are in the past. Kane is under contract through next season, and the sides can talk extension July 1. “I’d be open to that. I’m not sure I’m going to do that,” Murray said. “There’s a lot of bridges to cross before that time. But would I be open to it in a scenario where a couple things he has going on off the ice go away and stuff like that, absolutely.” Kane’s name has been out there all season from the Sabres. No one met the price for a winger who, despite his off-ice issues, can be a dynamic goal-scorer. But those off-ice issues are an anchor: The Dec. 2015 sexual assault accusation against Kane, one that didn’t result in a criminal charge; and the June 2016 bar incident that saw him arrested, with the charges dismissed in April if he avoids any further incidents involving law enforcement. One can speculate on whether these incidents, and the rest of the baggage Kane lugs with him from his Winnipeg days, played into the price not being right. One can also speculate that despite Murray saying he’s open to an extension, Kane’s reputation may have already sealed his fate in Buffalo – despite the on-ice performance. — Greg Wyshynski is a writer for Yahoo Sports. Contact him at [email protected] or find him on Twitter. His book, TAKE YOUR EYE OFF THE PUCK, is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold. MORE FROM YAHOO SPORTS",
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  "published": "2017-03-03T01:49:00.000+02:00",
  "crawled": "2017-03-02T22:42:59.916+02:00",
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