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Yann Lazar

Product Marketing Manager

Yann Lazar is a Product Marketing Manager at, where he blends strategy, creativity, and curiosity to drive product success. Coming from a journalism background, Yann is passionate about uncovering compelling narratives—whether he's translating complex technical features into customer value or using global events and trends to build relevant stories. Before stepping into his role as a Product Marketing Manager, Yann helped shape's content from the ground up, establishing a voice that resonates across diverse industries. He enjoys diving into the technical aspects of’s Data API products and the Lunar platform. He thrives on making the complex understandable and enjoys collaborating across teams to create enablement that truly connects with the target audiences and drives business goals.
82 Posts

The Complete Guide to Selecting a News API in 2022

Seeing as how the Internet is essentially one giant news source, adopting bespoke technology that delivers news could seem counterintuitive...

DALL-E Meets News API: Testing the AI’s Limits with Viral Headlines

Like many people interested in the advances in AI technology and concerned about whether or not robots are coming for...

News API: The Secret Behind Successful Brand Monitoring Solutions

Given the increasing reliance on how we create and consume digital media, it’s become easier to voice opinions about brands...

News API: Boost Adverse Media Screening with the Right Data

The stakes are high in the compliance game. Compliance enforcement has grown far more stringent in recent years, while sanctions...

How Can News API Boost Competitive Intelligence?

The global marketplace is complex, highly competitive, and constantly in flux. As a result, assumptions made by companies today can...

How News API Can Help You Monitor ESG Risk

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) refers to a set of standards that organizations can use to measure their impact on...

News API: Because Data is Key to Robust Sales Intelligence

Across geographies and industries, sales organizations and teams are turning to sales intelligence platforms to help their sales and marketing...

Why is News API So Critical To Risk Intelligence?

Companies make money by taking risks and lose money by failing to manage them. This has always been the reality...

News API: Data that Drives Winning Media Intelligence

Media monitoring and media intelligence are a crucial part of any marketing mix. Media intelligence platforms were purpose-built to analyze...

Supply Chain Risk Management: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

In recent months “supply chain” has been increasingly top of mind – from the living room to the board room....

Source API: Expanding Your Coverage is Now Easier Than Ever

When you run a data-based platform you always look to get all the data you need. This is a bigger...

Good KYC/B Starts with Good Web Data

KYC/B (Know Your Customer/Business), CDD (Customer Due Diligence), and similar regulatory-facing solutions were born in the financial services sector. But...
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